There is a better way! We are all human beings, people we are called. And people make mistakes. Often times because of a lack of experience or education or for any reason. It is often that at least once you will experience a situation which you are not capable of managing by yourself. Often times due to a lack of the proper tools. When an employee makes a mistake it is an opportunity for them to learn how to do better moving forward. A mistake is an opportunity to learn about what behaviors are appropriate in a professional work place and how to avoid others considered to be professionally inappropriate. Learn how to be a professional that provides quality results and exceeds the expectations of their responsibilities here at 4U Coaching and Advocacy.
Redemption Classes
• Attendance and Time management
• Appropriate working behaviors
• Appropriate language and communication
• Managing stress and stressful situations
• Quality service for customers
• Detailed records and their importance
• Policies and procedures
• Professional Attire
• Money and payment handling
• Responsibilities of a supervisor
• Ask about other professional lessons and specific behavior classes we offer!
Schedule a meeting with one of our providers directly to establish primary services and availability options in detail.